Roseola  Roseola  - an acute viral infection, mainly seen in children and related to the category of children's infections. Respirato...

The causes and treatment of Roseola


Roseola - an acute viral infection, mainly seen in children and related to the category of children's infections. Respiratory symptoms manifested, intoxication and specific rash.
The disease is of particular importance, since pregnancy can cause severe multiple malformations of the fetus.
Roseola infection is controlled, that is, to develop a vaccine against it, included in the national calendar of many countries.


Roseola is a special small virus of the family Togaviridae. Due to its structure the virus is unstable in the environment, so is particularly true infection through close contact and in organized groups. Susceptibility of non-vaccinated persons reaches 90%, in connection with the rubella attributed to quarantine infections.Roseola virus is sensitive to disinfectants, high temperature, dryness and UV poorly preserved in the external environment.
Most often incidence occurs during the change of seasons. Most of all susceptible children from 2 to 10 years, outbreaks are recorded every 10 years.
Roseola Immunity after a lifelong and long-lasting, blood antibodies persist for life.
You can get sick from an adult or a child as a typical, and with erased form is also dangerous in terms of contamination, children with congenital 
Roseola forms. The contagiousness comes a week before the occurrence of rash and clinical manifestations of the whole period, plus another 7 days after the disappearance of symptoms of rubella.
Infection occurs through airborne droplets when speaking, crying, sneezing. Pregnant women infected with the same, and the fruit -transplacentally.
By origin of congenital 
Roseola is (intrauterine infection of the fetus), and acquired.
The symptoms of 

 The causes and treatment of Roseola

The incubation period can last for 
Roseola at 2-3 weeks, and in the last week of incubation, the patient is infectious to others. At the end of the incubation period can be easily runny nose and slight redness of the throat, these events are stored one day or more.
Gradually there is a fever up to 37,5-38 ° C, increases the lymph nodes in the neck and throat, enlarged lymph nodes may then save up to 2 weeks.
The rash lasts up to 4 days, they precede the rash in the mouth in the form of spots on the soft palate, with the transition to the bow area of ​​the tonsils and palate. Then there are small pink spots on the face, extensor surfaces of the arms and legs and buttocks.
Rash abundant, in the form of small spots, does not merge with each other and quickly fades. At the site of the rash is mild pigmentation, and peeling of the skin. In adults, on the background of 
Roseola may swell up and become painful joints.
Pregnancy Complications
In early pregnancy, 
Roseola can cause miscarriage, fetal death, congenital malformations.

Treatment Roseola 

No specific antiviral drugs against Roseola not, treatment is carried out symptomatically.
Showed to bed with a full-age diet and drink plenty. Apply antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs - arbidol, viferon, Grippferon,anaferon.
The rest of therapy is based on the symptoms - antitussive agents, the common cold, fever. The rash does not need to process, as well as apply when it antihistamines.


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