Happy ICD-10 Day ! New Medical Codes Since 13,000 ways to be tasteless, battered, or fatally snubbed were not enough, we now have ab...

Happy ICD-10 Day! New Medical Codes

Happy ICD-10 Day!New Medical Codes

Since 13,000 ways to be tasteless, battered, or fatally snubbed were not enough, we now have about 70,000 ways. 
This comprises codes for “imitator nibbles” and “imbibed into a jet engine.” There is also V97.33XD – “imbibed into jet engine, successive encounter;” what easygoing was sucked into a jet engine, survived, and then sucked in again? Best of all is V91.07XA, “burn due to water skis on fire.”  Not sure how often one is seared by water skis life on fire. 

 ICD-10 Day, Happy ICD-10 Day,icd 10 codes, icd 10 memes, icd 10 funny, icd 10 jokes
 ICD-10 Day, Happy ICD-10 Day,icd 10 codes, icd 10 memes, icd 10 funny, icd 10 jokes
 ICD-10 Day, Happy ICD-10 Day,icd 10 codes, icd 10 memes, icd 10 funny, icd 10 jokes
 ICD-10 Day, Happy ICD-10 Day,icd 10 codes, icd 10 memes, icd 10 funny, icd 10 jokes
 ICD-10 Day, Happy ICD-10 Day,icd 10 codes, icd 10 memes, icd 10 funny, icd 10 jokes
Other funny ones comprise:
·         W59.22XD, “hit by a turtle, later encounter” (NOTE – this does not apply to bitten by turtle (W59.21), and as worded looks to not apply to the first meeting with the turtle);
·         W6162XD, “hit by a stoop”;
·         Z63.1, “problems in association with in-laws” (who doesn’t?), and;
·         W55.29XA, “other contact with cow” (what is “other contact”?). 
Lastly, try this one – R46.1, “Strange special appearance.”  Any ideas?
(Come to think of it, subsequent encounter means following encounter with surgeon – not the jet engine or turtle – but it makes for funny sense the way it was recruited.)

        Happy ICD-10 Day

From a more applied and serious note, the ICD-10 change will cause many issues for not only healthcare providers, but also patients.   Many experts are predicting issues with delayed costs, denials and more, all due to miscoding.  One large earner has publicly stated that the transition will cost them $30 million, not including the cost of delayed payments and recoding rejected items. Another provider of billing software has definite that they expect many practices to not have a single claim paid for certain time due to transition issues. 

Hoping everyone has a smooth transition, but if not, maybe we all need to treat ourselves under F43.22:  “Adjustment illness with anxiety.”

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