A brief explanation Of Child Diseases  Child Diseases and Preventing Diseases Infections are common in children and often lead ...

A brief explanation Of Child Diseases

A brief explanation Of Child Diseases 

Child Diseases and Preventing Diseases
Infections are common in children and often lead to illness.
At home, children are reasonably well protected from infectious diseases because they
don’t come in contact with many people. The adults they meet are generally immune
to many childhood illnesses because they had them as children or they have been

Because of this immunity, adults cannot transmit those infections to children.
Spending time in child care centres or other facilities and being exposed to a large number
of children for some time, provides an opportunity for infectious diseases to be spread.
It is not possible to prevent the spread of all infections and illnesses within child care centres.
However, a lot of illnesses from infectious disease can be prevented.

You can reduce illness. There is good evidence that the infection control methods given in this
publication reduce illness in children in child care. The methods may initially seem to be time
consuming, but they quickly become part of acceptable daily routine.
I commend Staying Healthy in Child Care to you, as it will assist in reducing illness in children,
and in preventing infectious disease.

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